Do you think you are overweight?

Monday, January 17, 2011


So, I had to pop past the post office to post something work related, I thought while I’m there, I will buy some veg at Woolies next door. Two birds with one stone!

I realised after the detox process which took 7 days that I had in that 7 day period consumed + - R 400 to R 450 value of fruit and veg – ONLY fruit and veg – no other house hold groceries. Wow, I just realised again, the research I did on inflation of fresh produce was exactly as it said, fruit and veg was about 12 % inflation!!! Very scary.

Let’s not kid ourselves, it is expensive to be healthy.

BUT, it is even more so expensive to be unhealthy, to fight cancer, to fight other diseases and chronic conditions that some of us are dealing with on a daily basis. Things that may have been prevented if only we lived right.

Nobody wants to face the hard work it takes to keep up a good functioning body. The body that needs to house the soul that needs to be calm, steadfast and ready for the seas of life every day.

It takes a lot of hard work to work right!!! We are all so bogged down trying to make a living, to earn that salary, to pay off that house and that car, to climb the corporate ladder!!!!

Then we also have to make time for our families. Quality time for our husbands and our kids and our parents. And friends. It takes a lot of effort to work at those relationships.

Then we have to make time for our creator. We need to spend time in worship and praise, we need to put in effort to ensure that relationship is in a good conditions.

After all of this, we occasionally convince ourselves to do something for ourselves! Why is that, why is it so much effort and hard work to do something for ourselves, why is it always too expensive to do something for ourselves?

I really believe that we should concentrate on God foremost, everything else that follows should be seen holistically and should be balanced as such.

I challenge you to put as much effort into your body and your health as you have been investing in your career, your studies, your friendships and in things like social networking!

Okay – I’m getting side tracked – WHAT IS ON THIS very expensive SHOPPING LIST.

Note: There are cheaper options – Fruit & Veg stores have great specials if you buy in bulk. Woolworths has very good quality and often organic produce that is priced well compared to normal produce. Have a look in your area and see what work’s best for you.

I started making some alfalfa sprouts the other day - I had some in my salad today, it took about 1 week to get them here. So I better start making the next batch. So there I have saved myself about R 20. Besides, I have never seen alfalfa sprouts int he shops, so I don't really have a choice but to make them!

I was extatic to find LARGE Artichoke in Woolworths, I have never been able to find one that is bigger than the inner palm of my hand, which means that's not an aweful lot on it to eat the. Found these big ones today!

Want to try this at home - then here's reference to some recipes that may help:

Just some nurdy info:

ALFALFA SPROUTS (or "sprouted alfalfa seeds") are:
•High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Protein, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium and Iron
Low in Saturated Fat, Sodium, and Cholesterol


•Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium
•High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Iron and Phosphorus.

The nutritional value of artichokes make them ideal for:
•Weight loss
•Maintaining optimum health
Don't include too many artichokes in your diet if you're interested in Weight gain.

To see what nutritional value is in the food you're eating, visit this website for a quick anwer.

Happy, healthy eating everyone!

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