To prepare my body for the detox I spent the day just eating fresh fruit and vegetables as suggested by
“What exactly is Juice Fasting? A juice fast is when you only drink fresh organic vegetable and fruit juices and you do not consume any food. A juice fast typically lasts one to three days. … The day before the fast, eat only organic fresh fruits and vegetables.”
It was afternoon, the house was quiet and I was tired from sitting in front of the computer the whole day, when I decided to again watch the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”. Big mistake!!!! I got upto the part where Julia Roberts starts slurping and munching away at Spagetti. Needless to say, I had my first failure right there!!!!
We decided to have spegatti bolonaise with lots of cheese for supper.
I was back to square one with that in my stomach. I actually felt quite sick after I had it. I think it’s because I was just having fresh fruit and veg the hole day and now this!!! My stomach thought I have gone mad!
So the next day, it was again only raw fresh fruit and veg the whole day!
I felt like a total failure at first, but then quickly realised, this is just the start, I can do this and really, I can have spaghetti again, just not this week, and just not in excess!!!
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