I relied on www.detoxbodyplan.com/Juice-Fasting.html for my juice recipes for day one.
I started off in the morning at 6 AM with my yoga (Thursday, 6 January 2011).
After yoga the next hour was spent on juicing! WOW, is it time consuming, let me tell you. I decided to juice up to early afternoon juices all in the morning, so that my mornings are still free for work and other activities.
It takes a lot of time to juice everything as all the fruit and vegetables needs to be washed properly to ensure there is no pesticide spray left on it or any other harmful toxins. I use a dishwashing brush to just get it all washed off under running tap water ( you don't have to open to tap too much). It is recommended to have mostly fruit and some veg in the morning and then from lunch time on to have only vegetable juice.
Breakfast Juice:
• A hand full of parsley
• 4 carrots
• 3 small apples
• 1 flattened teaspoon of Green Power
Mix the green power powder with some water in a large glass. Juice everything else. Add juice to your green power mixture.
Then I proceeded to make my snack juice:
Preperateion: Use a sterilized water bottle (500ml or 750ml), squeeze half a lemon and pour just a little bit of lemon into the bottle (not all of it).
• 1 thick ring of green lemon skinned and diced
• 1 small green apple
• 1 cup full of green grapes
Juice everything. Pour into little bottle and place in the fridge immediately.
Then I proceeded to make my lunch juice:
Again a took a sterilized water bottle (500ml or 750ml), squeeze half a lemon and pour just a little bit of lemon into the bottle (last bit left of the squeezed lemon).
• A hand full of parsley
• 2 large tamoto’s
• A large piece of cucumber (15 cm)
• 2 celery stalks
• 3 garlic clovers pealed
Juice everything. Pour into your little bottle and place in fridge immediately.
And how did it go!?
I had my breakfast juice and felt quite full actually. It was barely 10:00 and I was “hungry” or so I thought. I decided to have only half of my snack juice and save the rest for later incase I get very hungry. That little snack juice 250ml really was good - and good enough.
The lunch juice was something to get use to – WOW – it tastes like salad, except without the chewing bit. Weird feeling. I added a pinch of salt and a grind of black pepper to it and enjoyed it.
By 15:00 I had the left over of my snack juice.
Inbetween every juice I had a 500ml water, sometimes more.
Problems I had:
By 15:00 I started having a headache. I knew it was from the toxins that are already working out of my body, so I sat it out.
Another problem I had was that my hubby still needed food. I decided to make him chicken, I should have suggested to him to make his own chicken. I had 1 tiny little bite of it and realised that I’m not really hungry enough to break my fast. The one bite was nice though. But to start his process over again!!! Nope, I was not planning on doing that!
After this I proceeded to my evening juice / Dinner juice:
Feast or Filth? Man, was this disgusting.
• Quarter to half a head of cabbage
• 2 celery stalks
• Half a cucumber
I nearly threw up. It was so disgusting!!!! It was actually so of putting, I gulped down half of it and the rest went down the drain!!!!
Right there I decided I need to adjust my menu tomorrow!!!!
Luckily I was not put off completely.
I went to bed with a slight headache, but it was bearable and I didn't take any pain killers.
What is the GREEN POWER I refer to in the Breakfast juice?
It is in a powder form and available from health stores and I believe DisChem too (South Africa). It is 100% organic Wheat, Barley & Alfalfa Grass, it also contains 7 sea vegetables and cholorella. It’s gluten free, has no added colorants, flavourants, preservatives or any other substances added.
But what is it really: It is a potent supplement in a blend of nature’s most healing superfoods, it’s crammed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It gives energy, it assist with glandular health (particularly the thyroid, putuittary and adrenal glands). It’s also commonly used to help eliminate toxic heavy metals.
More info on their website:
I take the powder as it's conveniet. I have a small herb garden in pots on my balcony and can't plant the grass as there's no space for it. So it's easier for me. But if you have a garden, the wheat grass, barley and alfalfa can be planted and harvested for juice.
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