Do you think you are overweight?

Monday, January 10, 2011


It’s Sunday, 9 January 2011 and I have decided to stick with my option number 2 and that is to break the fast with green salads.

After my soup experience the previous night I didn’t even want to eat.

So for breakfast was my usual breakfast juice! You’d say that maybe I haven’t had enough yet hey! Oooh and did it feel good, drinking up those nutrients and filling up my stomach with liquid. It really did feel good.

Our fridge was so full with all the juice veg and fruit – it was by this stage nearly empty!!! It’s amazing how much you can consume if you juice it!!!!

So I realised after juice, it’s time to hit the shower and get out of the house and buy some fruit and veg to eat!!!!

While in the shops I bought some water to ensure that I stayed hydrated and spent a good hour zipping through Woolworths and Pick ‘n Pay to make sure I buy exactly what I need. I made a list before hand which really helped.

Back home I cleaned out the fridge and stocked it up again. I have this habit a very good one to clean the fridge out every time I go grocery shopping! Our cleaning lady does not touch the fridge, she doesn’t need to, it’s just always clean that way. Especially if you regularly stock veg and fruit, it’s important to keep the fridge clean.

It’s now just past 11:00, all is cleaned and packed and I’m feeling hungry. No snack juice was made and the salad idea was oh so appealing. So, salad time it was for me, lunch came very early!

Green salad Ingredients:

• 2 small spring union

• Watercress, baby spinach and rocket leaves chopped

• Union sprouts ( I love alfalfa sprouts, but couldn’t find any in the shop)

• 5 cm piece of cucumber finely chopped

• Cabbage (green) finely chopped (small piece cut from the cabbage)

• Half a ripe avocado

• 6 cherry tomato’s


• 1 teaspoon of low fat mayo

• Lemon juice (half a small lemon)

• Cold pressed flax oil, just a drizzle, probably 2 teaspoons

• Salt & pepper to taste

WOW – Was it good to chew sometime. The salad was nice and salt. It tasted so good I had it again for mid afternoon snack around 3 PM.

For the evening I made a pasta salad for my hubby. I took half a cup of pasta from his salad and added some extra green stuff with it to make salad for me. It had the following in it: Small amount of vegetarian palony (vienna’s can work for meaty taste, or muscles if you’re into sea food), peas, red pepper finely chopped, spring unions, mayo-milk-lemon-sweet chilli-tomatosauce dressing. I added to mine in addition baby spinach, rocket and watercress chopped, cucumber chopped and avo.

Gone to bed, happy, healthy and with no headaches. This day felt just like any other normal day, except that I was super excited about salad!!!!

1 comment:

Claudelle's Weight Challenge said...

ooh my friend this salad sounds good even though i am not a fan of some of the things. It sure makes me hungry.