Do you think you are overweight?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So, it’s time to clean out the fridge. Most of the fresh fruit and veg has disappeared miraculously over the past 7 days!

So while I’m at it, I decided to share a bit of my fridge with you, well at least the outsides of it.

The fridge seems to be the one appliance in the house that everybody visits numerous times a day. It get’s open and closed all the time! So in our house we use the freely available outside to stick on notes of things, shopping lists, a few photo’s, etc. But this part of the fridge also needs to be revisited from time to time. New photo’s! The notes is no problem in our house, it’s constantly changing. But for this year I am adding a new addition to my fridge door. My weight log.

My weight log is simple, not quite as comprehensive on the measuring parts, so I added a Colum or two.

For me, it is important to keep track of where I am what I am working towards. It stares me in the face everytime I go to the fridge, so that it can remind me not to overeat, not to indulge, but to find other meaningful ways to deal with things!

Yes, I am an emotional eater. When I was younger (High School and early 20’s) I use to not eat at all when I’m stressed, just couldn’t be bothered, the thing bothering me is all I was bothered with. I got older and systematically that started changing and I now know for sure when I get extremely frustrated with things in life I feel better emotionally when I overeat physically! Even though physically I hate the feeling of overeating.

So there smack in the middle is my magnet: “ There’s nothing wrong with me that a little chocolate can’t fix”

The truth is, I’m not really a chocolate or sweet tooth person. But everytime I see this magnet it reminds me that I have weaknesses when it comes to food. The weakness is in filling emotional holes with food that I love, not necessarily healthy options, not sweet, they might be salt or oily, and definitely not healthy!!! And then I’m reminded by the first column (WEIGHT), staring me in the face from behind the fridge magnet, I NEED TO GET IT DOWN!!!!

So the ugly truth is that I have parts of my body that I don’t like! When I started this project I had photo’s taken of me in my tiny little bikini, bought on Phuket Island while on honeymoon. I then had close ups taken of the parts of my body that I hate the most, because these parts have deteriorated the most, have accumulated cellulite and actually makes me sick just thinking about it, let alone seeing it.

I’m looking through these photo’s (nope, not brave enough to load them here) and I just know, no matter how the outside world sees me, I need to be happy with what I see, when there’s nobody else around to judge or to comment or to give their opinion on how fantastic I look! Yeah the parts that are sticking out, the parts that are covered aint that pretty people!!!!

Like my husband always says to me, you are not fat as in obese – you are just out of shape! Well then why is it so darn hard to get back into shape! It is hard, it’s very hard work, so I have been told.

So, I’ve got 26 weeks on my chart, that is approximately 6 to 7 months with my goal weight filled in at week 26.

HOWEVER!!! This process is not about my goal weight, it’s not just about losing weight! It’s about changing my lifestyle for the better, living healthy, feeling healthy and being happy because of it. Being satisfied that I have done what I needed to do to get my body to where it needs to be so that I can face any challenge that comes my way, physically and also emotionally.

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