Do you think you are overweight?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY out there who have been there for me to support me over the last 7 days and some longer! I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH.
BTW the comment function is working now, so please feel free to leave comments on any of my posts. Give your opinion, even if you don’t agree with something, give advice.

AND also a VERY BIG THANK YOU to those of you who have sent me a message to ask questions and to share about what it is that you’ve been struggling with and how you have been going about keeping head above water.

I would like to take the next few days to do research on how I’m going to take this forward (one step at a time). I will share my findings and decisions on this blog. But I would also like to take time to do posts on subjects that have come to light during some communications I have had in the last 2 weeks with some of you as I think they are worth sharing!

So stay tuned there’s more coming, this is just part 1 / the first of many steps that I would need to take.

‘A mind once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.’

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