“…Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong…”
“…the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action…”
“…The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong…”
This weekend was a very trying time for me. I didn’t even realize it fully until it was weigh in time this morning. Suddenly my conscience got the better of me!!! I was convinced that my weigh would have shot up again!!!
I am delighted to report that my stool is perfect, better than what is was when I thought it was perfect, this is as of Sunday morning! I am so delighted! It’s great to know that I didn’t go through all this effort for nothing, IBS did not get the better of me, it is under control and I have had some refined food ( definite no, no, no foods) and everything is functioning normal. Just had to get that off my chest.
So my challenges this weekend were many and not far in-between!!!
1. The menstrual cycle. Such an important part of a woman’s life and physical fitness. Mess with the cycle and many other things will start tumbling down. After all the things I have put my body through, DETOX, I was trying to do it as natural and gentle as possible so that I don’t upset my entire system. I am pleased to announce it was successful and the menstrual cycle is exactly on time. The biggest challenge for me was the pain! I had heavy pain for two days that I had to take painkillers and I was not able to do any yoga! Today, I am all better, no painkillers and yoga this morning, and I am still alive. In fact I feel great! Painkillers add toxins to your body. I would have liked to not have to take any, but I really, really had to. In the past I have always blamed my cycle for not execising. It honestly feels like my "reset button", it stops me dead in my tracks and takes me right back to where I started. This year I will be concentrating on changing that physically firstly and mentally secondly!
2. Eating out. We went out with friends Saturday evening for dinner. We were lucky in that we got to choose the restaurant. We decided on an Italian / Mediterranean restaurant that has many fish dishes and other very healthy options. I was so worried before hand that I would eat to much or that I will choose a dish that will give me cramps and spasms. It’s almost like learning to eat all over again after the detox. My taste buds are so alert and my system is so ready for the right stuff, I really don’t want to clogg it up with junk. I found a lovely dish on the menu: Grilled Samon on a bed of creamed spinach and mashed potato’s with veggies of the day on the side which was baby marrows and carrots (steamed to perfection, it still had crisp in it!!!). I could only eat half, so the rest was taken home.
3. Drinking out. Shame, poor J really took a beating on my behalf. Our friends insisted on a good bottle red wine. The type that is good for cancer! (or so they say). And I had a glass of that. But we also decided to go out for a night cap after dinner and that is where I had to order one drink and sip it as slowly as possible!!! Poor J, had to have the one of the other. I got to drive home, but I also got to manage my KJ intakes, by not having alcohol. Needless to say we got home around 2 AM. It was a fantastic evening out!!!!
4. Naughtiness at home! Sunday was rainy and cloudy the whole day! We were so cooped up we decided to go for a drive and take some photo’s of trees for one of J’s projects. Our lunch is where the naughtiness came in, we decided that this weather is calling for pancakes. Because of the oil and the refined flour, this is really something I should not have too much of! But wow, it was so tasty! It was so delicious! I easily had 7 pancakes by myself. Not in one go though, but at least 7 altogether. I was very worried about how this would effect my weight this morning.
So morning came and first things is the measuring and adding up of cm’s, there after the weighing!!!
What a relief. CM’s are less (considering menstrual cycle – not bad – I am impressed – I honestly thought the CM and weight would be more!), the weight did not come down by 1kg as I would have liked, but at least I didn’t gain any weight! So I am very happy with the outcome.
Soon I will be able to start increasing my exercise time from half an hour to an hour in the mornings and that should bring some results. Green leafy veg, yes, you too will be playing a big role in my life this week!
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