Do you think you are overweight?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Raw Food Course - 22nd & 23rd January 2011

I have joined and have gained a lot of advice and tips from their mini manual on detox - available for free from their website.

I was so excited to get this e-mail from them. If I lived in Cape Town, I would have definately attended ths course, it's unfortunately out of my reach but to all you Cape Townians, check this out.

"Free Talk this Wednesday: 10 Effective Ways to Detox and Cleanse

Detoxing and cleansing is an essential part of a healthy life-style and there is no better time than right now to begin so, if you 'let yourself go' over the holidays or made the same New Year's resolution you did last year to eat better, lose weight and so on... come and join us for this free talk to learn more about effective and easy ways to detox and cleanse.

Remember, we want to help you achieve your health goals this year and our free talks are the perfect opportunity for you to gain insight and momentum towards radiant health and abundant energy.

Date: Wednesday 19th January
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: Erin Road Hall, Rondebosch
Investment into your health: 2 hours of your time
Please call 0861 000976 or email to let us know that you are coming and how many people you are bringing with you.

2011 is here and we don't just want to "wish" you a happy new year, we want to help you ACHIEVE the most radiantly healthy and ecstatic 2011!

1st Raw Food Course of 2011 at 2010's price

There's no doubt that eating more raw fruits and vegetables is good for your health - even the experts can agree on that much. What we can do is show you how to prepare, eat and most of all enjoy the experience. Plus we can also show you what else to eat to give your healthy diet variety and excitement to give you even more radiant health, abundant energy, lightness and FUN!

get your year off to a great healthy start

dedicate a weekend to yourself and your health

learn how to prepare delicious raw foods

get to taste healthy raw desserts that will knock your socks off

save money - this will be the last course at 2010's price

Date: 22nd & 23rd January

Time: 9am - 5pm

Venue: Constantia

Investment into your health: R1750

Limited space available.

Click here for more info or call 0861 000976 or email to book your space.

To your radiant health,
Peter & Beryn and the Superfoods team."

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