Life. . . . It’s this and it’s that, it’s up and it’s down, it’s black and it’s white, it’s right or wrong . . .
Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we lose focus on our overall goals, after all we have goals in every aspect of our lives which we work towards daily, weekly, monthly, annually; We have businesses/career goals that we are working on daily, we have goals to spend X amount of time with our family, we must keep a balance between work and play and attend social events and spend time with friends, then we have our very personal goals that we are working on such as weight management, time with our creator, working on our character and daily behaviours, our children and how we raise them, moral dilemmas and support – and the list goes on forever!!!!
So, yes, my conclusion is that it is absolutely normal to wonder off and to get side tracked from time to time as there are just so many things to concentrate on – BUT – there is a big difference between wondering off and losing hope, losing faith and losing courage.
On an emotional level I have some friends and family who want to give up on goals, they are just so tired of trying and so tired of doing that they just cannot continue, but yet, what other options are there, life goes on and regardless; we continue to eat and put food into our mouths and nourish OR clog up our bodies. It is a choice to either change or lifestyle, yes, the accent on LIFESTYLE – OR – to diet and through lack of nutrition or adequate energy levels, headaches and severe tiredness run yourself into the ground because you cannot sustain it and continue with dieting long term. Yet I know people personally that diet on and off for a lifetime – they are still overweight. You will feel like you are just chasing wind and you will take strain from putting your body under pressure constantly to do things that are taking a toll and not a natural, easy lifestyle to live.
These are just things that I am encountering in my daily life. I try and encourage, support and help by sharing of knowledge, but yet most people that I talk to still prefer their pill, drop, shake and what ever else their diet book says they must do.
During the course of my project (which has been running for 10 months now) I have had times that I have felt tired, mostly due to overwork and not a result of my eating habits. In fact during the busiest time of work I performed best when I made time to still eat my nutritious, healthy and raw foods. The times that I started eating “normal” food, I felt strain. Thus I do not feel like my body has taken any strain with the lifestyle choices I have made and implemented into my life since December 2010, I have truly reaped the reward of weight loss, sustained energy throughout each day, major achievements in my personal life on various levels both emotionally and physically due to the lifestyle change with regards to the food I take into my body.
But, I too am only human and have had so many ups and downs in this period. So many things have happened in my life on a work, business and personal level, so many changes and so many additions and so much growing that I almost feel overwhelmed.
I have most definitely wondered off a little in the last month (Aug-Sept 2011). When I say wondered off I am specifically referring to my project (PROJECT MY BODY) and lifestyle. To mention some examples: I have not been eating raw for most of the day, there has been bread, starches and all sorts of food in my diet. I have had cravings that I have given in to. I have not started exercising again, although I theoretically have the time in the mornings to do my yoga now, I just feel like I do not have the energy (I am sure it is due to the bad eating habits). I feel disorganised and it just feels like life is a bit chaotic, with too many things happening at once and I just do not find the time to sort things out. We have moved and the house is still partially in boxes and we are on month 2 in the new house, going onto month 3!
Adding everything in life, I feel like a higher power is talking to me and giving me guidance to go in a healthier more organised direction, but at the same time I feel frustrated as I am not too sure how to go about doing it. One step at a time, but I am going to get on top of this, one step at a time.
I know that the seasons are changing and so the foods are changing that is naturally available and I should at this point do another detox, 10 months after my first. This should clean out my digestive system of any unwanted waste and will kick start a faster metabolic pace and allow my digestive system to accept the summer foods and pull all nutrients out of it.
My preferred method of detox is natural and include raw foods and juices for a 7 day period – refer to Dec2010/Jan2011 on how I did it previously. But I will cover it again once I start the detox. This is however very challenging at the moment as the new house have really taken quite a chunk from my budget! Organic fruit and veg is very expensive and I will need lots of it for a 7 day detox, especially for the juicing. I will probably go the alternative root, normal fruit and veg, lots of it and lots of scrubbing to ensure no toxins backpack into my body.
I need to rise at least 1 hour earlier in the morning and retire at the end of each day 1 hour earlier.
If I can get into a habit of doing this, I should have enough time to have 15 minutes for waking up properly, 30 minutes for Yoga light exercising and another 15 minutes for devotion.
I believe that if I can achieve this my mind and emotions will feel less rushed in the morning and I will feel like I have a head start on my day.
They say it takes only 21 days to break a bad habit or 21 days to learn a new habit / lifestlyle. So I need about a months’ worth of working days to do this.
If it doesn’t work, I have an alternative plan B, and this is to change my working hours. I can go into work one hour later than what I am currently working, which will give me the time to get up at the same time as usuall and just go into work 1 hour later and leave work one hour later. But this is not first prize for me, because if I get up at this hour, so does the rest of the household! Husband, doggy, beardie and it may not end up being me time or feel like I am having me time, it will be interruption after interruption. So this is really plan B, it is not the optimal solution, but if the first fail, this could save the day and is still a better option than no exercise time and no devotion time.
I feel like the fact that the house is not getting sorted out is also causing chaos in my mind… does this make any sense?
In this sense, I truly believe I am an extravert, I am drawing on the energy around me and the boxes and undone things in our new home is really starting to work on my nerves.
There’s only 1 way to sort this out and that is a lot of “elbow grease” and with that “time”. I do not have plenty of time, but I have elbow grease. So I will take on the challenge to make some time and to start sorting things out.
I am also contracting a Malawian man who is already working in our garden 1 day a week to help me in the house as soon as a second day becomes available, and this will be in the next month somewhere. I will again have to make myself available to train him on how I like to have things done, but this will help as my husband and I spend most of our time and work and just do not have the time to get to everything at the end of each day.
So there’s my plan. 3 simple steps????
I am not going to make a mountain out of a moles heap, things will get better and will get sorted out and I will certainly again get back onto track!!!!
I am grateful for the patience I have with my body. I do not want to rush any further weight loss. The weight I have lost so far has been absolutely natural weigh loss that has stayed off (10kg)!!!! Wow, what a difference it makes!!!! And I am not going to go into a frenzy to force my body to lose more if it does not want to or can not.
So if anybody wants to join me on the detox – contact me and we’ll do it together and support each other. I think it will be much easier if one can share your emotions and feelings daily.
I will try and make time to check in regularly to make a record of how things are going.
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