Do you think you are overweight?

Thursday, January 5, 2012


The saying is quite right that money is not everything; money cannot buy you happiness; etc, etc, etc. But without money a lot of other things are not possible. The price of food is very high in our country, but especially so in the City that I live in – Johannesburg, South Africa.

Due to some inevitable events and growth on other parts of our lives, I have had a lack of money, hence also a lack of the right food, organic raw veg and fruit mostly.

We have sold our town house (2 bedroom, upstairs unit) and have moved into a big house (3 bedrooms. We have literally gone from 64 square meter living space to a house of approximately 400 square meter and an erf of 1400 square meters!!! That is a lot of responsibility. We have had so many expenses, which we kind off suspected, but we were not 100% prepared. We are coping very well. But unfortunately just coping financially.

There will now also be additional medical expenses.

So, this year I am back to the drawing board and I hope that I will find a way to make healthy food a priority. No, let me correct that – I WILL find a way, I MUST, it is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity…

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